GEN6 is a part-funded EC (CIP-ICT-PSP-2011-297239) project. The information/views generated by the project may not completely align with those of the individual participating companies or The European Community. Although the project''s information/views are considered accurate no responsibility will be accepted for their subsequent use.
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EU Dimension

The IPv4 address space is depleted and the need for the transition to IPv6 is an urgent issue. Not adopting IPv6 immediately across the EU will imply the loss of competitiveness and Internet leadership, due to the possible degradation of current Internet services (moving to NATs and CGNs) and decline in the ICT area and simultaneously in the connection of new users, including the impossibility to extend the eGovernment services.

The importance of IPv6 is mentioned in following EU documents:

  • Digital Agenda for Europe (COM(2010)245).
  • European Action Plan for eGovernment 2011-2015 (COM(2010)743).
  • Council Conclusions on the European eGovernment Action Plan 2011- 2015 adopted on 27th May 2011.

The fact that the IPv6 upgrade is being discussed at EU level can be seen from the Communication from the Commission "Next Generation Internet – priorities for action in migrating to the new Internet protocol IPv6" (COM(2002)96). Therefore, the project EU dimension is supported by several member states involved in the project as well as several stakeholders, including academia and private companies.

The European dimension of the project will be further developed in the communication and dissemination activities. Foremost through the portal and also in European campaigns which will give an opportunity to connect/link to the project by stakeholders and member states that are not involved in the project as partners.

This project is settled within Theme 4 of ICT PSP work programme 2011 focusing on 'ICT for Innovative Government and Public Services' The reasoning for this call was to support "the 'Digital Agenda for Europe' by innovating and making government services more effective and fully interoperable. It is in line with the eGovernment Action Plan and the "Malmö Ministerial Declaration on eGovernment" that includes provisions on improving organisational processes and promoting innovation in services."

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