GEN6 is a part-funded EC (CIP-ICT-PSP-2011-297239) project. The information/views generated by the project may not completely align with those of the individual participating companies or The European Community. Although the project''s information/views are considered accurate no responsibility will be accepted for their subsequent use.
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safety cross-border

Description of the pilot:

For an IPv6 migration in a secure and safe way, GEN6’s target is to demonstrate that it is possible to support the requirements of public safety networks and service using existing devices and solution based on IPv6.

The cross-border safety pilot will involve partners from three different countries, with relevant experience in the matter of safety exercises.

  • ULFE, in tight cooperation with the Slovenian civil protection, the Municipality of Ljubljana (MOL), the Department for Protection, Rescue and Civil Defence (OZCO). This Slovenian partnership will allow for a tight integration and cooperation with target governmental bodies throughout the GEN6 project and beyond.
  • In Spain, UMU has good linked to the 112 Emergency Office in the Murcia Region that coordinates police, special forces, fire brigades, ambulances, civil protection organisations, etc. Additionally, Consulintel’s expertise on IPv4/IPv6 transition models will be highly relevant for the pilot scenario deployment.
  • Partners from Luxembourg (UL) University of Luxembourg cooperate with the Administration des Services de Secours - National Service of Civil Protection and Fire and Rescue and Central Emergency Relief 112 in Luxembourg. The Safety communication network will be enabled to have IPv6 ready support.

Two main scenarios will be demonstrated in the course of the safety pilot:

  • The first, termed “International on-site intervention”, coordinated by ULFE, aims to demonstrate that an advanced national emergency response system based on IPv6 is able to define and expose the IPv6-based interoperability point (GEN6 IOP), allowing foreign teams to connect into the on-site emergency response infrastructure, and provide to the foreign team certain communication services that are essential for the execution of the intervention via their own national systems and terminal equipment (e.g., data service, access to registrars, IPv6-based PTT radio service)
  • The second, called “Group communications”, focuses on a large scale emergency situation where the intervention of teams from other regions or nations with specialised skills may become necessary. In such situations, IPv6-based communication can help instate talk groups that enable a service-oriented view on the available resources. The talk groups need to be synchronised on the network layer to enable the routing between particular participants, as well as on application layer (maintain a directory in the task force: e.g. task force leader to leader Luxembourgish team). This scenario is divided in two subscenarios
    • an on-site deployment part, where a Spanish fire fighter team is deployed into an assigned area in Luxembourg and links from the field level to the control centre for reporting, receiving instructions and expert guidance
    • a remote support part, where a Luxembourgish field team communicates with an expert based in Spain for guidance and data provisioning


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